Wed 1 May: Please note, tonight's Open Contemporary Dance and Adult Open Ballet classes are cancelled due to staff illness.

ON POINTE with the Ballet


FORMER dancer Margaret Higgins relived some of the high ‘pointes’ of her career on a visit to see Swan Lake at The Brewhouse in Taunton.

The 89-year-old who has dementia was invited on stage after the performance to meet members of the Vienna Festival Ballet.  She was accompanied by Richard Dempslake, activities co-ordinator at Camelot House & Lodge in Wellington where Margaret is a resident.  “When we heard Swan Lake was coming to The Brewhouse we knew it was something she would love to see,” said Richard.

She enjoyed every minute of the performance. She was completely enthralled. “Margaret was so thankful and got very emotional seeing the dancers. She kept saying ‘I used to do that, I used to do that’.  “We would like to say a huge thank you to the Vienna Festival Ballet and The Brewhouse for making this all possible.”

Margaret went to ballet school in her youth and later took up professional ballroom dancing, travelling the world with her late husband Ronald.  She was also accompanied on the visit by Camelot volunteers Shirley Rayson and Karen Kerslake who visit the home to help with activities.

Camelot House & Lodge, run by care providers Camelot Care, is home to up to 90 residents with memory loss and difficulties with thinking, problem-solving or language.

*With thanks to The Somerset County Gazette for the article and image


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